"Vikraut & Vikimchi - The Cultural Revolution
Among The Little People"
By Rev Viktoras Kulvinskas, MS; www.viktoras.org
Edited by Jeff Ginn
CRISPY VEGGIES - soaked in brine
2. Add to brine
3. Prepare the spices
4. Drain brine
5. Prepare the vibrant
6. Mix All and stuff into containers.
7. Cover the jars and place in warm spot.
Survival In the 21-st Century, by Viktoras
In Lithuania, my country of birth fermented foods - ranging
from mushrooms, pickles to cabbage added delight to the
bland evening meal. Although we were a farming family. In
ourhome, , there was a special room of ferments grown in
30 gallon and other size wooden barrels with a yearly
brewing of beer and wine. Also, in the kitchen, we had the
‘Grybas’ - the Manchurian Mushroom tea. My grandmother
was the caretaker to all these magic potions.
My parents, poetically called the delight Raugytas Zardo
Gydemas- The fermented Garden Healers. They added
every kind of hard vegetable into their wooden
fermentation barrel. It was the Lithuanian Version of Kimchi
- I was told there were always onions, scallions, garlic,
horseradish, variety of spicy red radishes, cauliflower,
broccoli, beet, carrot, black pepper and other spices.
When I came to America, after graduating college, and
joined Ann Wigmore's Rising Sun Christianity community, I
spend much time in the kitchen creating foods for the
quests. I noticed how much better the coleslaw tasted if it
sat around in refrigerator for as few days. The same was
noted on the left over nut dressings, flavor improved and
they were easier to digest. I rediscovered my family
fermentation past. I worked for years, to improve it by
sanitation and by proper preparation. I was able to get my
krauts ready in 3 days. I now, can qualify for the Guinness
Book of World Record, in creating the fastest saltless kraut
ready to eat in 1 day. Why is speed important?
High concentration of salt has been used by most
traditions, to reduce the likelihood of mold, spoilage and
rot of food. The traditional kraut and Kimchi is heavily
salted and is fermented 7 to 14 days. I discovered the way
to stop spoilage, by creating a truly ‘fast food’ in 24 hrs
and without the need for salt to stop the spoilage. Here is
1. Have the cabbage finely shredded with the help of juicer
or food processor. Increases the food surface availability to
microbes. They multiply extremely rapidly; one acidophilus
bacterium becomes trillion bacteria, in 24 hours if there is
an adequate fast food supply. With the fine pulverizing of
the cabbage, we pre-chew the food and make bacteria
eating more rapid.
2. Use a starter culture. We increase the amount of friendly
lactobacillus bacteria, far beyond what is in the air, water
and the cabbage. So, you will be starting with several billion
bacteria instead of the few airborne and or those that are
found on the cabbage. Hence, the cabbage will be eaten up
in 24 hours instead of the 7 plus days. Having a quick high
acidity and 1-day fermentation, removes any possibility of
spoilage from mold, yeast and putrefactive microbes. . I
have tried many different starter bacteria cultures and
found the best and tastiest results with a product I
developed with Dr. Khem Shahani, called Spectrabiotic, for
every quart of kraut mix, add the powder from 2 capsules.
Mix into the batch.
3. Prevent the cabbage from coming in contact with air.
Have the kraut mix pressed down, covered with clean
green leaves, with a porcelain or glass plate on top.
Pressing all down, so liquid flows to top, without any of the
kraut mixture floating above the green leaves. Then add a
large jar filled with water, so it weights the plate down.
Cover all with a plastic bag.
4. Place the container in warm place, at least 75 deg F or
up to 85 deg F, in kitchen on top of refrigerator toward the
back, where the hot air from compressor collects. The
temperature increases the rate of enzyme action of
bacterial digestion and bacteria multiplication. . For every
degree increase, the enzyme activity increases by at least
30%. Hence, more bacteria are created and they eat faster.
5. Accelerate and improve the DNA with prebiotic solids
Bacteria doubles every 20 to 60 minutes. Hence, after 1
hour, you will Have one bacteria split into 2. After another
hour, you will have at least 4 (doublings), after another
hour you will have at least 8 and so forth. After, 24 hours,
you will have at least 24 doublings, on The average bacteria
(and based on temperature,) in reality you will have up to
40 doublings. Hence, 1 bacteria, in 24 hours can become
as many as 2,000,000,000,000 or 2 trillion.
From the 2 cap, you will get 2 trillion times the bacteria
count in the 2 caps. That is a miracle of nature. The market
value - if you could only encapsulate them into 100 cap
bottles, that would be 160 thousand bottles, at a value of
$30 /bottle -- worth approximately $50 million dollars).
Money can grow in bottles, as well as on fruit/nut trees.
Each Spectrabiotic capsule has at least 1 billion bacteria.
That is after 24 hours you would have as many as 4 billion
trillion friendly bacteria mix in a single quart size jar. That is
* trillion times the global population, and they have no
wars, and create peace in your GI tract.
You can greatly accelerate the probiotic doubling by
packing an initial lunch basket for the buggers.
Spectrabiotic ‘pre-biotic’ doggie bag: blue green algae,
Jerusalem artichoke and an acerola and rose hips blend,
which promote the growth of friendly bacteria. Dr Bob Kay,
U-Conn, showed that Blue Green Algae, doubles the rate
of probiotic growth.
You can also create a eugenic (improve the quality of the
genetic make up of bacteria as well as of all life forms)
effect, by adding bioactive readily available sea minerals,
best choice is Himalayan sea Salt and or Celtic Sea Salt. Dr
Hagivara, the barley grass pioneer, state ‘minerals are the
enzymes for the enzymes, gives acceleration and longevity’
Dr Maynard Murry did an incredible amount of research into
ocean solids and wrote the book ‘Sea Energy Agriculture’
Nature’s. . Dr. Maynard Murray was able to create a
eugenic (which means the realization of the maximum
potential of a DNA) effect by using diluted seawater solids.
To improve the probiotic action add 1 tsp of sea salt per
gallon of kraut. This is using sea solids as a food for the
probiotics not as a preservative.
To places a wholesale order, call 1-800-800-1300 and
request to become a preferred customer (or a business
builder distributor) ? all free. Your sponsor ID 1132949
(Jeff Ginn). They will ship it priority to your home. You
might also consider, other excellent products: Omega Gold,
Enzyme E12 and Seasonal Cleanse, the key ingredients to
the ‘Viktoras Youthing’ system; drop me an email, for the
Youthing Program.
(email to Youthing (at) alltel.net ; replace (at) with @
I suggest first, do a batch or two of plain cabbage ferment.
It is simple, though the first time, can be tricky, depending
on your home environment. I know, you will get superior
results, if you use the starter culture, Spectrabiotic.
After success with plain kraut, try to add into the cabbage
ferment, sliced carrot, small peeled sliced beet, some
cauliflower and broccoli, 1 tsp of finely sliced or shredded
or chopped ginger and garlic, 1 or more sliced hot pepper,
few tablespoons of horseradish, some pickling spices. You’
re on your way to Kimching
Traditionally, a Harsch stoneware crock container with a seal is used -
created with a piece of wet linen cloth & a circular board lid
and a heavy stone. Others have used wooden barrels, with
wooden lid and a stone. The wooden lid cover was made
just small enough to fit inside the container so that it rests
directly on the cabbage.
It is made especially for home sauerkraut
production and has a trough around its lid. When this
trough is filled with water the result is an airtight seal. Cost
for a 1,5 gallon unit is over $100.
Click Here for more information on the Harsch
Glass canning jars with clamped threadless lids can also be
Whatever kind of container is used, it must allow the
escape of fermentation gasses.
I purchased at a department store (try also, Hobby Lobby,
kitchen supply etc.), a heavy glass container, which has a
small lip around the rim. I located a plate that snugly fit
inside the jar. Try to get a 1 or 3 gallon container. I paid
for my 3 gallon $7. I have also used wide mouth quart size
canning jars, placing a glass jar of water on top of the
green cabbage leaves. Also, I have obtained for free, 1-
gallon size wide mouth pickling jars from restaurants and
proceeded as above.
Traditionally, no special culture of Lactobacillus was used
because Lactobacillus is alreadypresent on raw cabbage
and in the air. Probiotics may be added to speed up the
fermentation process.
Probiotics are the friendly bacteria found in sauerkraut,
probiotic supplements, or miso. The Spectrabiotic contains
8 strains of very Compatible, synergistically active friendly
bacteria. It is a Proprietary formula, and it has at least 1
billion friendly bacteria per capsule.
For preparation at home, the USDA recommends a greater
amount of unrefined salt than is traditional, making the
sauerkraut unpalatably salty unless rinsed before eating.
Such rinsing removes much of the nutrient content and
flavor. When traditional amounts of salt are used,
temperature control is critical, because spoilage leading to
potential food poisoning can occur if the fermentation
temperature is too high. Yeasts may be present, which
cause soft sauerkraut of poor flavor when the fermentation
temperature. Yeast does not develop, when there is high
enough probiotic count.
To be safe, do not eat any sauerkraut that has foul smell
instead of lemonish, a slimy or excessively soft texture, or
a discoloration or off-flavor, any of which can indicate
spoilage. This will never happen in 24-hour ferment, when
you use the Spectrobiotics.
Once made, sauerkraut is a very safe food, because its
high acidity prevents spoilage. There never has been a
recorded 911 call for a Kimchi poisoning. Though, over
100,000 people die yearly in hospitals die to pathogenic
infections. I feel if they ate their daily Kimchi and or kraut
these tragedies could have been prevented.
Raw sauerkraut is an extremely healthy food. It is an
excellent source of enzymes, vitamin B-complex, Vitamin B-
12, vitamin K as well as Vitamin C, therapeutic nutriciticals
and phyto-nutrients(higher than Rejuvila & yogurt).
The overabundance of lactobacilli and all the dozens of
friendly bacteria, can easily upset thestomach of people
who are not used to eating raw sauerkraut and or raw
food. . Hence, introducethe kraut in small volume, like a
teaspoon and or test it with Kinesiology, to establish
bodyreadiness. Of course, follow good food combining.
With my meals, over the years, I have increased my Kimchi
and or cabbage to * cup and quite often more, sometimes
twice a day. At our community, such foods are standard at
every meal. www.hippocratesinst.org has made it part of
their nutritional daily program, under mine & Dr. Ann
Wigmore’s initial pioneer discoveries, over 40 years ago.
Traditionally in the East Kimchi was served with white rice
and a dash of soy sauce, and in the West Kraut was
served with potatoes and meat. The benefit of ferments in
the meals are endless.
However, a more optimal digestive e strategy is desirable. ,
to minimize the pancreatic debilitation. All sour/acid foods
combine very poorly with all starches (that require an
alkaline surrounding, from the enzymes to work properly).
The result, is further souring of the starch, gas and
reduced energy.
The Kraut and Kimchi are best served with non-starchy
vegetable dishes, raw oil/avocado and or seed based
protein, and or animal protein (www.vegan.org -reasons
why to avoid the killed dead food). Never with grains
cooked or sprouted, white potato, bread, pasta, spaghetti.
Folks who already have a pre-existent acid condition, with
symptoms like fatigue, headaches, migraine, sciatica pain,
general aches, lower back, would do well to be very careful
in ingesting these acidic foods. Instead, they would be wise
to go on an intense enzyme supplementation program,
with mild herbal laxative at bedtime, with an increased
intake of water and blended fresh salad greens and or
vegetable juices.
Select the freshest heaviest head of cabbage. Remove the
spoiled or dirty leaves. Then peel of a few leaves, which you
set aside, to be used as a cover for the kraut mix. Cut the
head of cabbage into approximate 1 inch thick slices. (like
bread). Then cut each cabbage slice into 1 inches slivers.
Break them up and toss into a salad Bowl. An average
head of cabbage, will give you 3 pounds.
Place the chopped cabbage into a food processor, ,(I use
the Cuisinart 3 qt capacity which handles 1.5 # of cabbage)
and add about 1 cup of water to initiate chopping. To
speed the process along, I use the VitaMix plunder (or a
large carrot) to push the cabbage into the blade.
Let it run about a minute, until finely chopped.
Transfer chopped cabbage into bowl. Repeat, until finished
in grinding
ALTERNATIVE: One may use a Juicer Take the 1 inch piece
and push into a Champion (K&K or Norwalk) using the
blank instead of the juicing screen.. Push down the 1-inch
square cabbage pile, just like you would a carrot. Juice all.
Mix the pulp and juice for the kraut mix.
For every quart of kraut (or Kimchi) add to a 1/2-cup of
water, the powder from 2 caps of Spectrabiotic Bacteria
and mix. This jump starts the fermentation and creates the
most flavorful kraut in a matter of 24 hrs.. (it is optional, -
you can use the airborne lacto-bacillus; however, by adding
a 1/2 tsp of bacteria, will give you an assured of having
friendly bacteria mix, as well as accelerate the fermentation.
I prefer the Spectrabiotic ( which is a blend of 8 bacteria).
Also you can be used as starter, some sauerkraut left from
a previous batch.
Fill jars (containers) to about 1 inch from the top. Cover
the top with the outer leaves of the cabbage.
Press down so that the shredded cabbage is below liquid. If
need be add few ounces of water or cabbage juice. Add a
glass jar on top of the leaves, which is filled with water.
Place the jars in a bowl (or a plate) to catch any liquid that
may drip over the sides due to expansion. . Cover all well
with a towel or a plastic bag.
Let sit at room temperature ( the warmer it is the quicker it
will be ready). At about 75 deg F, my batch is ready in 24
hrs. Though at cooler temperature and no starter, it can
take 3 to 7 days. 2 to 3 days, according to how sour you
want it.
If a starter culture was not used, you will on second day,
there might be a strong smell which is release of sulfur gas.
Daily Smell and taste it - it will have a lemonish fragrance
and a sweet sour taste. Time to place in the refrigerator.
Next batch, you might experiment with adding one leaf of
1-inch slices of wakame (sea vegetable) or a little dulce.
Thin sliced or finely shredded beets; thin sliced carrot,
celery may be mixed into the kraut.
My favorite Kimchi - a spicy ferment dish follows. OR beet
or other root vegetable can be added to the food
processor/juicer while grinding the cabbage.
You may also do a sweet beet kraut. Peel beets, juice. Mix
pulp and . Add to glass Mason jar. Fill within 2/5 inch of
top. Add a little water. After a 24 hrs, uncover and mix
the beets. Do the same, next day. Should be ready in 3
Kimchi is one of Korea's national dishes, over a 4000 year
history, with as many versions as there are cooks. This is
combination of many recipes, and while it may have an
unorthodox touch it is a very tasty version of Kimchi - one
that would appeal to most people.
Some of the Kimchi dishes are unfermented, and seasoned
with pasteurized tamari or soy ferment.
The store bought, bottled Kimchi or fermented vegetables,
are either pasteurized or unfermented. I see in health food
stores, products labeled as fermented vegetables or
sauerkraut, at $8 per small jar. When opened, it has none
of the ferment magic, outside of the taste of the lactic acid
preservative (Label: cabbage, lactic acid) - certainly not a
health product rich in friendly bacteria and enzymes.
You can make Kimchi by fermenting any HARD vegetable
you like and adding, the desired spices such as ginger, hot
pepper, garlic, and onion.
Many of the Oriental Kimchi recipes uses the burdock root
(called "gobo" in Japan), that adds a bitter taste as well as
the therapeutic benefits such as accelerate lymphatic
drainage, stimulates glandular flows, detox the blood, and
notifying the organs of elimination. Burdock is associated
with stamina, longevity when combined with ginseng root,
it improves the sexual vitality.
soak in brine
If you wish the vegetables to be soft but crispy, then pre-
soak them in brine.
Brine is made by mixing 4 cups of water with 3
tablespoons of sea salt. Place all the vegies in a steel or
glass container, and cover them with brine. Make more
brine as needed. Use a plate with weight to keep all
vegetables submerged until have the desired texture - a
few hours to overnight. I generally save the soak brine
water since it is a tincture of all the spice and vegetable
essences as well as the sea salt. I refrigerate and use it as
a seasoning agent as alternative to Braggs or tamari. The
brine can be reused, for the next Kimchi preparation.
Making your own Kimchi is a FUNdemantal and can be an
easy group social project.
(use whatever you have available and like)
Spectrabiotic starter bacteria
2 medium heads of green cabbage
1 small red cabbage
1 small peeled beet
2 hard red delicious apples
2 cups of cherry green tomatoes or tomatilos
1 small head of cauliflower
2 cups of broccoli
1 small juccoma
1-daikon radishes
3 chopped organic celery stalks
1 small burdock root
1 medium turnip
a few Jerusalem artichokes
2 carrots
a few small red radishes
1 small fresh peeled horseradish root (or a tablespoon of
jarred horseradish)
3 tablespoons (or more!) fresh grated or finely chopped
3 cloves finely chopped or thinly sliced garlic (to taste)
3 hot red chilies (or more), depending on how peppery-hot
you like food.
2. Add to brine: Chop & Slice peeled juccama, daikon,
burdock, ginseng, turnip, Jerusalem artichokes, onion and
carrots. If the roots are fresh and organic, leave the
nutritious skins on. Slice the roots thin so they are easier
to chew and the flavor strongest. For variety and textures,
slice roots on a diagonal; cut them into matchsticks or use
a potato ß peeler for extra thinness. The small red radishes
and green or un-ripened cherry tomatoes may be left
whole. Also, add sliced hard surface vegetables: cauliflower,
broccoli, celery, pepper, , sliced chili, red and green pepper,
small cubes. Soak for at least 4 hours.
3. Prepare the spices: Grate the ginger; chop the garlic and
onion; grated horseradish, removes seeds from the chilies
and chop or crush, or throw them in whole. Place all in
sprouting bag or paint strainer bag (purchased from paint
or hardware supply) and soak the bag in the brine during
the last hour. Kimchi can absorb a lot of spice. Experiment
with quantities and don't worry too much about them. Mix
spices into a paste, adding grated horseradish.
4. Drain brine off vegetables, refrigerating the brine.
5. Prepare the vikraut. See above instructions for kraut.
Prepare the red and green cabbage, with peeled beet in
food processor or juicer.
6. Mix All in large stainless steel bowl, the cabbage, beet
and all the other vegetables and spices thoroughly, with
the Spectrabiotic and stuff it into a clean quart jar (or any
of the larger containers described earlier). Pack it tightly
into the container. Cover the Kimchi mix with green
cabbage leaves. Pressing down until liquid rises. If
necessary, add a little water or diluted vegetable-soaking
brine to submerge the vegetables. Weight the vegetables
down with a smaller jar, or with a zip-lock bag filled with
some water.
7. Cover the jar(s) with towel or plastic bag to keep out
dust and flies. Ferment in your kitchen or other warm
place, like on top of the refrigerator where the heat from
the compressor rises. After 24 hours taste the Kimchi. If
you have use the Spectrabiotic, it should be ready to
refrigerate. It will have lemonish fragrance with sour sweet
spicy energizing zingy taste. If you wish to make it
stronger, then daily use cleaned hand, to push the
vegetables back under the liquid., when it tastes ripe, move
it to the refrigerator.
In cold weather Kimchi does not require refrigeration, but
when weather is warm, store in refrigerator for up to 3
weeks. If some vegetables are sitting above the ferment
juice, it is possible to develop topical mold.
To prevent this, especially where longer storage is involved,
keep all the vegies below the liquid.
The word “probiotic” refers to organisms such as friendly
bacteria that are vital to the healthand balance of the
gastrointestinal tract. Good bacteria, found naturally in the
digestive tract, stimulate the function of the entire
digestive system, and produce essential vitamins. But
many factors—including stress, antibiotics, chlorinated
drinking water, meat consumption, and a high-fat, high-
sugar diet, can devastate the intestinal tract’s good
bacteria population. Spectrabiotic was designed to help
promote a healthier balance of good bacteria in the
digestive system.
Cell Tech’s unique Spectrabiotic formula was created
through the joint efforts of respected food scientist Dr.
Khem Shahani (http://www.vitalhealthbooks.com[Vital
Books Publishing] 2005) and enzyme specialist Viktoras
Kulvinskas, MS. Eight key “good bacteria” are microblended
with Super Blue Green® Omega Sun, providing the entire
digestive tract with superb probiotic support, especially
when combined in a regular program with Acidophilus and
Bifidus. Spectrabiotic also contains Jerusalem artichoke and
an acerola and rose hips blend, which also promote the
growth of friendly bacteria in the digestive tract.
80% of biomass of earth is microbial. They are the factors
that make life possible for all life forms, including humans.
Just think, if it was not for the phytoplankton, there we
would have our oxygen supply diminished for the planet by
at least 80%. Natural and man-made forces bombard our
gastrointestinal tract. Each day, an internal war is waged as
the beneficial microflora in our intestines are thrown out of
balance - through antibiotics, we initiate a bactericide , no
worse when we initiate ethnic slaughter. Killing good bugs
is homicide, this carnage results from everyday living and
various medical treatments on which we depend and that
we take for granted. Stress, excessive alcohol, diets high in
fat and meats, and large quantities of sugar, chlorine and
fluorine so often found in our drinking water, are lifestyle
weapons in this war. Bacterial dysentery and other forms
of illness can also reek havoc on the delicate balance of our
intestinal flora.
Ironically, pharmaceuticals, some medical treatments, and
natural antibiotics that save our lives, also act as trigger-
happy hired guns, indiscriminately killing our precious
supply of beneficial bacteria.
Radiation, anti-bacterial chemicals, antibiotics and even
antacids change the pH balance of the gastrointestinal (GI)
tract, neutralize probiotic activity, and leave a war-torn
environment in our intestines where pathogenic bacteria
and yeast can flourish. Fortunately, it is possible to
maintain a healthy GI tract. Lifestyle choices play an
important role. A conscious effort can be made to avoid
the abuse and overuse of pharmaceuticals and antibiotics.
Research has shown dietary supplementation of probiotics
can help balance the friendly bacteria within our intestines.
SPECTRABIOTIC can offer you the ultimate Health
Assurance Now you can be protected against bad microbes-
viruses-parasites-yeast, toxins, stress, plagues...
Pasteurized milk products are dangerous, a little raw milk
products are ok. toxic: http://www.panix.com/~nomilk/.
Likewise, for health reasons one might consider http:
(http://britishmeat.com/meatless.html ) Here are some of
the reasons
At birth, the intestinal tract is sterile. Then, during breast-
feeding, Gram positive (+) lactobacilli are introduced.
Further colonization comes with the introduction of foods,
and is completed soon after weaning.
In the adult there are six major groups of bacteria that
inhabit the gastrointestinal tract. Those that produce lactic
acids tends to promote health. The others tend to cause
disease when lactic acid bacteria are in short supply.
Lactic Acid producing bacteria Potential pathogens
Bifidobacterium Bacteroides Lactobacillus Clostridium
Streptococcus Escherichia
There are about 3 1/2 pounds of (11 trillion) bacteria
constantly residing in the GI tract. There are over 400
species of bacteria which inhabit our digestive tract. Nearly
twenty species of the so-called "friendly" bacteria have
been identified. Only the most Commonly occurring ones
have undergone scientific evaluation. The ones included in
the formulation make up the majority of the good guys
when one is in a healthy state. Their presence can be a
major weapon against the stresses of "civilized" lifestyles.
Click Here for more information on the Harsch
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